Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Why go to college free essay sample
Is education important? Many people have been asking themselves this same question for years. With the unemployment rates at an all-time high, many people have decided to go back to school to pursue an education that can better their financial situation. According to the Baum, the unemployment rate is at 7. 3%. Therefore, Americans wonder if going back to school is worth it. Just 5 percent of the public says students get excellent value for the money they spend on college (Adams). So, how does one decide if a college degree is worth the time and money? It all comes down to what we gain from getting that college degree and college experience. Statistics show that a college education is the best investment one can make for them. Education is important for many reasons some of which is higher income, more job opportunities, and a healthier lifestyle. Adam, Michelle1. Is College Worth It? . Education Digest 77. We will write a custom essay sample on Why go to college or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 6 (2012): 58-61. Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson). Web. 12 Feb. 2014. This is a reprint of the article Is College Worth It? , by Michelle Adam. In this article Adam focuses on the Hispanic population’s outlook on higher education. Adam talks about how Hispanic people have changed their mind on the benefit of a college degree. In her article she talks about the importance of going back to school influences the income of the students. She uses statistics to show the differences between Hispanic student that follow a college path and the ones that do not in regards to their income categories. She is passionate in her writing and makes it really interesting to read due to the easy to read wording. This article really opened my mind into new ideas from different perspectives in the way that I see education. I have always thought highly of a college education but after seen the statistics and how much of a difference there is in the income I further see the value in a college education. Baum, Sandy. trends. collegeboard. org. Education Pays 2013:The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society. N. p. , 01 01 2013. Web. 12 Feb 2014. . The authors in this report breakdown in details how a college degree is important, Ms. Baum uses statistical charts to how income increases with education, she also shows how education has gone up in price showing charts from earlier years to now, but with that being said Baum also talks about how it still is worth a little debt for all the positives that come from a college education. I found this article very helpful because of all the illustrative pictures in it. This article shows differences in the earnings and employment patterns of U. S. adults with different levels of education. It also compares health-related behaviors, reliance on public assistance programs, civic participation, and indicators of the well-being of the next generation. This article really on outcomes compared with levels of educational attainment, they believe that it is important to be cautious about attributing all of the differences observed to causation. Ms. Baum proved every point with statistics and facts which make this a very interesting article to read. Barton, Paul. â€Å"Why Go To College?. Wilson Quarterly 32. 2 (2008): 74. Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson). Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Mr. Bartons article talks about â€Å"How Many College Graduates Does the U. S. Labor Force Really need? †which appeared in the January to February 2008 issue of Change. Barton asks whether more college graduates are necessary for the U. S. to prosper. His answer is not clear because the occupations that are expanding most do not require a degree, whereas the areas that do are not adding large numbers of new jobs. Mr. Barton in he’s article talks more about how a college education is not necessary in order to achieve success. The author compares different topics and an idea backing up his theory yet my paper is the opposite I used Mr. Barton’s article to supplement certain facts that I stated in my paper. Mr. Barton is a well-known, he discusses in many ways how the jobs that do require a college degree are not making too many offering when on the contrary the ones that don’t require a college degree are always hiring and multiplying job opportunities. Levey, Tania. The Effect Of Level Of College Entry On Midcareer Occupational Attainments. Community College Review 38. 1 (2010): 3-30. Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson). Web. 12 Feb. 2014. The article discusses the economic benefits of attending community colleges, compared to other higher education ways, as other issues through intense debates since the 1960s. In the article Levey talk about using the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79), this study compares the midcareer occupational. In the study participants were between 14 and 22 years of age in 1979; income and occupational prestige data used in the analyses were the latest available for the respondents from the 1996, 1998, and 2000 waves of the NLSY79 study. In this article I have learned a lot about how the education affects the students in positive ways. Levey uses statistical chart to back up what she states in her writing. Overall, education leads to higher income, and a higher quality of life. Since people spend most of their lives working, it makes sense that how they feel about their work can greatly affect them. People with a higher level of education are more satisfied in their jobs than people who only have a high school diploma. Any way one sees it even if students were to come out with some kind of debt, the quality of the person that they end up becoming is well worth it. Success is defined as the achievement of ones ideal or goal and so what better goal to achieve then that of a college degree may that be doctor or school professor. The value of a college degree cannot be weigh with a scale for the benefits of it surpasses any mark that can be put on it. With all the facts stated one can see how a college degree can be a positive to one’s life. Ranging from better health, more job opportunities and a lot almost the triple of an income increase from an average high school graduate, it is necessary that more Americans take advantage of the benefits of a college degree.
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